Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sexy and I Know It! (TELL YOURSELF THAT!)

Before the gym this morning, I took the scissors to one of the tank tops ("wife beaters" are what they're called, but I hate that term -- domestic abuse shouldn't be joked about) that came in the assorted pack of Fruit of the Loom ones I bought at Target the other night.  The tail of the shirt came down too far, and it looked stupid to wear it to the gym that way (Mr. Universe would never do that!), so I got out the scissors and altered it so that it is now shorter.  I kind of got carried away with the cutting, so after one trip through the dryer, that particular shirt will probably be too short to wear in public ever again.

Anyway, I bring all this up to make a point.  Feel good; feel confident in what you wear when you leave the house.  People all the time point out and poke fun at people who dress "inappropriately." 

They're not the right size for what they're wearing... he's too old to wear that loud-colored "wife beater" (ugh, sorry) and those kind of shorts... she shouldn't be wearing skinny jeans with that muffin-top belly... why can't that middle-aged woman dress more appropriately and stop trying to look like her teenage daughter, etc. 

Hey, look, even I've been guilty of this -- numerous times.  After thinking about it, and after displaying photos of myself online in a "WB" (I'm not going to use that term again) recently, maybe those people we think are dressed "inappropriately" feel good about the way they look, and maybe we don't feel good about our own selves at the moment in time when we make those kinds of comments.  Something to think about, perhaps?  It kind of makes sense, but I only came to this conclusion in the last few days.

Something else to consider: maybe their husband, wife, or partner who loves them unconditionally thinks they look sexy despite their size or age, and tells them that quite often!  This, in turn, gives them the confidence they need to put on or wear whatever it is that makes some of us shake our heads.

Anyway, enough of that sermon.  What's important is to wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and tell yourself, "I look good!  I'm sexy -- and I know it!"  If other people are in the house, perhaps you shouldn't shout it or say it very loud, but you should at least tell yourself that in your mind.  This was actually a tip from the membership director at my gym on "keeping it real" in the newsletter at New Year's this year.  I liked and adopted it for myself!

Try it!!  Do it at least once or twice a week!  Even if you don't think you look good, try to pretend like you do.  Act like it when you leave the house and are at work or at the gym or at the store or something!  Sometimes confidence by itself can make you more attractive to other people, and some of them may see it and want whatever it is they think you have in your life.  As for you, you may even go out and have a better day and feel better about yourself  during the day.

On a side note, here are my progress pics from this week.  I'm going to start posting pics at least once a week.  I had my body composition measured this past week.  168 pounds, and 8.7% body fat!! (I had already been exercising for a little while on the day that was measured, so there is a margin of error.)
                                                   From the right!
                                                  From the left! (this is in a mirror)

                                                          Front view

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