Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall (Am I Making Any Weight Gains at All?)

Anyone who stares at themselves in the mirror daily as much as I have, especially in the past month, isn't going to see much of a change.  If you're constantly gawking at or critiquing yourself day in and day out, you will have the same image stuck in your head.  In order to find out if all the working out is working, you have to arrange a meeting or a "bump in" with someone you haven't seen in a month or two.  Then you parade or walk slowly past them, hoping they will say, "Oh my gosh, you look great!  Have you been working out?"

I tried this about a week ago with someone who hadn't seen me in several weeks.  The only thing I got from the person in question was that I look "more defined."  I was fishing for "bigger," but "defined" isn't necessarily an insult either.

So in order to gain size, I've been eating a ton of protein (something I've already been doing a long time before a month ago, but I'm way more conscientious about it now), eating it from the right sources (lean meats, fish, raw almonds, some lowfat milk, protein powder) and doing my best to stay away from bad places.  My occasional Friday night "cheat" after work at the Taco Bell drive-thru has been done away with.  I've cut back on the cardio some, and I've added a weight gainer into my list of supplements.  I'm drinking a serving size of Weider Mega Mass 2000 with some 1% milk once a day, hoping that will help.  I am also doing extra abs, running a little harder (but fewer times a week) and carefully watching my diet out of paranoia that the weight gainer will make me pack on fat instead of muscle! 

Oh, and yes, I've also been working out with the weights like a muthamutha, too.  I really need to gain the right kind of weight. 

If anyone has any suggestions about weight gainer powder that is better than Mega Mass 2000, please feel free to let me know.  The "MM 2K" got mostly good reviews online out of my research on that and a few others, so I went with the Mega Mass.

Don't forget to "like" the Kurt 3.0 page on Facebook!  Have a great week, and do something good for yourself!! :)

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