Friday, September 7, 2012

Let's Get This Party Started!

Yay, it's Friday!  I slept in today because I had a venti Pike from Starbucks (my other addiction) last night at work around 7:30 and could NOT go to sleep until well after 2 A.M.

My day and breakfast before I work out starts very standard.  At least an hour before the gym, I have a bowl of oatmeal (plain oats from a round cannister--good carbs), with a scoop of peanut butter (protein), and a banana.  Sometimes I throw in blackberries, raspberries and/or blueberries, but as of yesterday, I've decided to use the berries as a post-workout snack.  BUT -- I'll get to post-workout later today...

I used to eat a bagel before the gym, especially if I was going to spin class or would be running.  I would smear on peanut butter and fig preserves.  I stopped doing that about three months ago and have seen a huge difference!  Huge difference being a FLATTER, harder stomach!  Unless I'm rnning 12 miles, I don't eat bagels anymore.  In fact, I gave up all bread about three months ago, though I'll occasionally allow myself to have a piece on a "cheat day."

As I mentioned above, I LOOOVE my coffee.  I try to limit my caffeine intake to only one or no more than two cups.  The reason for that is Assault from MusclePharm!

I've been taking Assault 30 minutes before my workout for more than a month now.  It's a pre-workout supplement that helps with endurance and for increasing the intensity!  I've noticed a change in the way I workout since starting it.  I follow the company and its owner on twitter and read independent, outside reviews on the MusclePharm products before I started taking them.  There were some mixed reviews on some sites, but I highly recommend Assault, and the Combat protein powder, but I'll get to the Combat in the post-workout entry later on.

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